Last month, Maranda Loughlin and I visited my friend Anastasia's beautiful indoor oasis. Filled with plants and trinkets, her home is the perfect paradise for her green babies. Anastasia sources a majority of her pots and knick-knacks second hand and has been parenting most of her plants for quite some time. We loved all the tiny treasures this garden has to offer, from unique plant vessels to small dishes filled with coins and crystals.
Keep reading to learn more about Anastasia and see some photos from her jungle.
What got you into plants + gardening?
I didn’t have very many hobbies besides work, and plants just seemed like something beautiful I could get into and nourish.
What was your first plant?
A very easy succulent, that I still have! I got it for my very first apartment on 29th and Park Ave. And it has since grown out of its pot (literally) and continues to burst with new babies all the time.
You said a lot of your decor is second hand. What catches your eye when you're out treasure hunting?
Always Asian ceramics (usually with pastel color pallets or simple blue and white), and brass ware! Every once and a while I can find like a 90s minimalist piece that’s a nice pink or white color.
What is your biggest success as a plant parent?
Indoor plants, (I’ve got over 50) have been really good to me, I’ve only killed a few, and they’re always the ones that claim to be easy, but almost all of them I have had for 5+ years. I absolutely adore my rubber plant and my pencil cactus. They’ve been through a few moves and continue to be happy, large, and healthy.
Biggest plant fail?
Any orchid ever. I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY DIE. And I tried outdoor plants this year but in pots on my patio, that is extreme south facing, and they all shriveled up and died or got nasty parasites that I kept buying sprays for. Eventually I called it good and let them die.
What does your dream jungle look like?
MORE POTHOS. I want them hanging everywhere!! And some day I would love to be able to tackle a large outdoor garden, I have a list of plants and trees on my notes that I’d love to plant for my own home someday.
Any advice to aspiring gardeners?
Start small and cheap. It’s totally tragic when you buy a temperamental /expensive plant and kill it in two weeks. Also, we’ve all been there. RESEARCH, google is not hard and it’s so helpful when trying to decide if so and so species is good for your home / apartment, or lighting or direction your windows are facing!